A scanner darkly

Awesome film.

Saw it on Sunday night, didn't know what to expect from it but it was very good if a little confusing, but pretty good performances from all those involved, especially Robert Downey Jr., his character was hilarious.

Could have watched it again straight after, always a good sign. :cool:
yea i watched this with two mates expecting something different but not that different :(
i agree with seek it got to the point in which i was waiting for it to end already :p
there are some good drug movies out there e.g. half-baked
Great film. Don't know why people say it was a drugs movie, it doesn't even show you people getting high just a couple of people taking capsules. :confused: The plot was a little more than people taking drugs if you hadn't noticed.
Gonna see it on tuesday with my girlfriend, she loves Keanu, I love the animation, and we are both clubbers :D
Firstly, i'm glad I saw this as it was something different and adventurous. I figure that if these films aren't supported we'd get the same monotonous trash in cinemas on a weekly basis.

Anyway, an enjoyable but also quite a difficult watch. During the first third I had trouble getting to grips with the 'floaty' animation and consequently felt distanced from the story somewhat. However, it eventually had me captivated as the plot gathered more pace.

Downey Jr was excellent. Ryder may look to have kick started her career again... and Keanu was more animated than I've ever seen him :p

We had a good discussion about it after the film finished. Not bad. Wouldn't mind giving it another go on DVD, hopefully with some tasty extras thrown in for good measure.
Retorted said:
Downey Jr was excellent. Ryder may look to have kick started her career again... and Keanu was more animated than I've ever seen him :p

We had a good discussion about it after the film finished. Not bad. Wouldn't mind giving it another go on DVD, hopefully with some tasty extras thrown in for good measure.

Buh dum tsshh!

It'd be quite interesting if they had the entire film without the 'cel-shadey filter thingy™' on a seperate disc, would be interesting to watch. :)
its a fantastic movie.. the best I've seen this year
its far more than a 'druggie' movie.. I'm not sure how you could even call it that, i mean.. theres so much more.
It looks hella cool as well... shame keanu was in it, although for his standards it wasn't so bad.

Not a movie for everyone though, quite few people left early..
Johanson said:
You can watch the first 24 minutes of this film here (totally free)

Looks pretty damn good, will have to go see it now, just found out here in work we were doing something to the full hd version, wish I was here for that, can't imagine what it'd look like uncompressed at 1920x1080 :D
Great movie. And is no way "just a drug movie". Its about much more than that. Inspired me to dig out the book and read it again sometime soon. Any PKD fan will probably enjoy it. Its very close to the book (from what i can remember) and done well.
Read 'do androids dream of electric sheep' recently. Which i loved too. Different from the film (blade runner) in many ways, but they're both still great.
I'm a bit miffed that there are a limited number of reels for this, so if I want to see it at the cinema the closest places are Didsbury or Nottingham. :-/
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