A smart device that supports Amazon, Netflix + Now TV

Sky use re-branded Rokus as their Now TV boxes, and Netflix and Amazon are pretty-much the same whatever device you use them on.

What I mean was, are there UIs smooth and do the apps crash at all. I have a LG TV that has all of the apps available and they work, its just that they are too slow for my liking. Same applies to my Samsung TV.
I have a Roku 3 which has all of those catch up services. All 3 run smooth, The amazon app could do with an update though as the ui isn't the nicest to look at compared to Netflix, but its fast and functional.

Do they crash at all? I'm particularly interested in the Amazon app...I imagine the now TV one will be pretty good as their box is based on the roku software and Netflix is pretty good on every device. From a YouTube review, the ui looked a little laggy.

Are there Amy new roku devices being released in the UK soon?
yes no problems with the UI -
OK if the B6 is controlled by telepathy, I concede it could be faster.

Thanks. I'd kind of expect Now TV to be quick given they use the Roku software. I'd also expect Netflix to be quick as its pretty good on every hardware I've seen it on. However I'm not sure about Amazon....if you get the chance, could you do a quick vid of navigating from Home -> Amazon -> Video (assuming you have stuff you can watch there for free/already paid for).

Thanks again.
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