A stroll around the park [in IR].

18 Sep 2005
Went for a little stroll around Bute park this afternoon. Love that place, and the weather today was my favourite for Infra Red. Unlike most, my favourite IR conditions aren't bright, sunny days - but overcast, cloudy ones. With some cloud texture. And the sun popping out every now & then. Just like today!

For anyone who's even a little bit interested, I used these filters :
#1 - 87
#2 - 87C
#3 - 87
#4 - 89B

All shot on the D70, cos the D200 is ruuubish for IR! :p
Here's what I came up with :




same again
first and last
the first one would like to see without any people or make a neater feature of them, which isn't easy

really liking the tonal constrast on #4
luuurvly shots mate, im going to go against the grain and say the second and last are my favourites, as the first one doesnt do it for me for some reason. I love the simplicity of the second and its darkened edges. The blurry bush thing distracts me in the third so not too keen on that one. The fourth is lovely and with the coloured sky makes it a bit more interesting :)
Ta for the feedback all. Not done any IR for a little while, but it's getting around to the time of year when I like to do it - so expect to see me posting more:D
Great shots mate!

I love the first one. I was trying to figure out what the clouds were on the bridge, but they are just wispy people. :)
OOO, yer, Really like #1 and 4. Its not fair, none of my IR efforts come out as well as that.

I really like the blured people in shot 1, as well as the way you have used the lines on the bridge to draw the viewers' eye into the shot.

Number 4 seems to defy completely the rule of thirds, and yet it works very well indeed. Did you have to change (Re pre-set) the white balance setup for number 4?

To be honest the only two i like are the first and last picutres. The middle two just dont really have any appeal to me, they dont really look that sharp. But some good ones though :)
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