A Universal Steam

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
I've never understood why Microsoft don't work with games companies to produce something like Steam that works for all games. Therefore you've got an application that neatly manages all your games, all the mods for the games, security and prevents illegal games from running.

I can see what's going to happen. EA will make their own version of Steam, then loads of other companies will follow, and it'll end up getting ridiculous.

Gerard said:
EA already has their own version called ea downloader.

Can you picture the anti ms and steam kiddies if ms did make their own steam? It would be slated from all sides no matter how good it was because a lot of people hate ms products (yet still use them) and a lot of people hate steam (despite all its obvious advantages).

Those people are just immature tbh. If they hate Microsoft, I advise them to go and buy a Mac instead.

Most PC games are played using Windows, and so I don't see why Microsoft shouldn't try and implement such a feature.

The reason why people hate Steam is because it stops them from illegally pirating games, or playing pirated games :D
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