A very close friend of mine overdosed this morning...RIP.

9 May 2005
In the early hours of this morning, my beard took an overdose of 'clippers'; the police have informed me that many young beards these days are succumbing to the temptations of 'clippers', apparantly 'trimmers' are a gateway for this frightful substance. Many beards give in to 'clippers' after pressure from their suppliers, often known as 'pushers' or 'girlfriends'.

Luckily, I was able to capture his death on camera so I can share it with you in the hope that we can avoid any more senseless loss of beards:

As he was:

After losing his neck to the 'clippers':

A 'chop a goatee combo:

A very cavalier 'tache combined with my beard's last death-throes:


His corpse following his clippers-related death:

Were I not upset enough, my hair commited seppuku out of grief for my beard and shame at letting his 'clippers' habit escalate:

And I now look like a thug again:

Remember, kids: Just say NO to shaving!

LynnieLeigh said:
I can see why your girlfriend wanted you to shave. You look sexier imo ;)


I always look sexy; I'm a goddamn sexual tyrannosaur!

jezsoup said:
You said charver :o only people I have ever heard say that before are from a little out post in yorkshire called Halifax!

How about everyone from Darlington to Berwick and west to the Pennines?


fini said:
Ah!! Like anything, clippers are good in small quantities - you should have stopped at picture 4!!!

PS: Yes you can have my lunch money, just leave me alone


I wasn't going to stop whilst I looked like a Canadian/reject from 1993/poet/blogger.

It's great - I'm a big poof, really.

With a girlfriend.

And no desire to sleep with men atm.

*n (camp yet intimidating...)
LynnieLeigh said:
I can see why your girlfriend wanted you to shave. You look sexier imo ;)

Law (after opening the door and seeing me):

"You sexy <fatherless child>!" *pounce*


Goddamn, I'm on a roll: Sex and rice pudding.

LynnieLeigh said:
I can see why your girlfriend wanted you to shave. You look sexier imo ;)

Admission that I was sexy beforehand?

Everyone wants to sex0r me now; it's great.

People in the street, neighbours, stray dogs.

...Have you ever been to Newcastle's Bigg Market...?

Dogs will try to hump you as soon as you're within 50' of the place.

Mr Blonde said:
Isn't it funny how you make a mental picture of some of the people on here only for you to be totally right, or so far from the mark it's ridiculous!
Penski, you're neither of them :p

Not quite sure how to take that (fnar).

But I'm one of the few people without an online 'persona' - what you see is what you get.

Siliconslave said:
worried Mr Blonde's misses has a beard to rival the very sexy penski's, although tbh i did go on a date with a veggie bird that had a beard, put me right off my venison :D

ps is the bull ring a new addition or are you just overdoing it with the coke and feeling like going with it ;)

Had it for years...Wear it flipped up inside my nose 99% of the time.

On a related note, I once pulled a vegetarian goth chick whilst on a weekend in london on work-related-business...

...Kicked her out of the hotel room when I found out that she had hairy nipples. Damn hippies.

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