A wild swimming pool appears!

28 Dec 2009
You should have got one of the pools with the metal gates and without a proper pumping system it will go green.

I am an experienced pool technician.


I used to have a porta pool and we sunk it partially in the ground and got some fiber glass sheeting to go around the inside of the pool. Put some paving around the edges. Real cheapo way of getting a pool, was great for making whirl pools, used to make such strong ones that we couldn't get out. :D
Last edited:
29 Aug 2007

"A different day," he thinks, squinting up at the clouds, wondering exactly which day it is. Saturday? A birthday. Nothing goes wrong on birthdays. His wife waves from the other side of the garden and he nods, smiling, and readies himself for the onslaught of parents and children and carnage.

"At least things have settled down," she says, "don't you think, Daddy?"

He stops, considering. "They have, sweetheart, they have."

None of that happened, he thinks, convincing himself, it was a dream and I probably had too much gin. Ha, maybe too much wine as well! So real, though. So very very real.

"Disappear here, daddy!"

He freezes, turns, is about to ask what she said but - "Dizzy is here, daddy!" she shouts again, excited, jumping up and down. He takes a breath, blows out slowly. "Ah, Diz," he says, teeth feeling numb, "Diz."

(DISAPPEAR HERE) "Here, daddy, over here!" she yells and he looks over.


And everyone appears, they are just there. How did this happen? There's something new in the garden and he didn't put it there. Is that a ... is that a castle, he wonders. Where did it come from?

"Let's do bouncing!" she commands, giggling. "Let's bounce," he corrects, raising a finger which she ignores and then - "Where did the castle come from, darling?" he asks, concerned.

"What do you mean?" She's confused. "It's always been here, daddy. Ha ha, you're funny!" she beams.

"But ... no, it hasn't," is all that comes out. "I would have remembered. Where did it come from?" He eyes the shutters and the kitchen window and it all comes flooding back - the doors open, the lights which don't illuminate, the alarms which don't trigger, the brown room, the blue and white.

"Daddy," she whispers.

"What?" he croaks. He's kneeling, hugging himself really and (DISAPPEAR HERE) why are there blotches everywhere?

"Time to go," she nods. "Time to go."


"Dizzy is here," she adds. "Can you see her? She's right next to me."

The pool - blue and white and serene as ever - looks on and that was all we saw.
29 Aug 2007
"You don't have to put it into words," she says. My wife, my love. Everything is happening in present tense and I don't know why.

"I do," I nod, smiling, "I do."

There is an idea I have in my head and I picture it being the size of a worm. It's tiny, insignificant. Not a worm, a butterfly, not insignificant. These things almost make me -

"Smile, daddy!"

I love you because you are a better me, someone I lean on and want you to lean on me. You complete me - that's a terrible, common phrase but it's true - and I would probably lose myself without you. Let me count the ways.

"Darling, where did you go? Where's Diz?"

She looks up, amused. "Who is Diz, daddy?"

"She's ... well, she's your friend," I say. She looks blank. "Isn't she?" I ask, the frown almost hurting. "From Daycare?" I'm stumbling, lost. "From Daycare," I say with conviction, "She is, I met her and her mummy and daddy and we -"

"She's not real, daddy. Not really."

I stare straight ahead and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. "What do you mean, not real?" I ask.

And I love you so much, so, so much and you can put italics on that if you like I don't care. I love you.
29 Aug 2007
We're walking down a hallway and everything is brown, matted in, I think, hair, but that can't be right.

"Brown house, brown room," she sings, like a nightmare lullaby.

There are doors on either side and we pass them at speeds I can't really grasp - "I'm dreaming!" I falsely think, "It's just a dream!" - but the horizon doesn't shift. It is static.

Then it flips and we're both heading the way we just came, the exit right in front of us but it's not getting closer and how can that be? Why isn't it getting closer? Surely it should be -

"Daddy." Worried, uptight.

"Darling?" I say and my heart is beating hard. Christ, we've flipped again and we're heading back down the passage way of this place.

"Brown room," she says, muttering, "Brown room in the brown house. Just like she said."

"Like who said, sweetheart?" I ask but I know, I already know and I want to sit down but we're still flying down this terrible brown corridor and there are doors - so many doors - and it needs to end. It has to end. "Did Dizzy tell you something?" I ask gingerly, scared. "Can we," I gulp, "get out?"

Everything stops.

"Dizzy is here," she says and the brown room in the brown house has visitors.
29 Aug 2007
I'm not a brave man. This isn't an apology. I don't know how we got here. ("You do", someone whispers but I bat it away). I really don't.

"Hello?" I ask. Nothing but my own voice comes back at me, reverberating yet clipping the 'o' so it sounds more like "Hell" than my inquisitive greeting. It's so dark in here, a dark blue or purple pearlescence sheen masking what I imagine is the normal light. Is it pulled shades or creatively coloured bulbs? What the hell is going on?

- Hello, she responds.

- My name is Dis

I wait.

- or dizz or Diz or dizzy or Dizzy or Disrae. I live here.

- Brown room, she adds.

- We've met, I think, before? she questions. Before today, certainly. I remember you.

This room makes me feel like crying, like breaking down, hitting my balled-up fists into the wooden flooring. Swearing, wailing. I remember times, good times, pleasant times and -

"Daddy? Brown room. I'm so sad," she says. She has a sniffle that I want to wipe but I can't see her, I can't see anything.

"I know, darling. I know." Someone laughs.

- Disappear here or disappear here? Or shall we wait for the saviour to turn up? she asks

"Mummy, stay away, not yet," I hear my daughter say and I want it to happen, I want it to be the thing that happens in this story, I want it to be the truth that arrives but I know that it won't be.

I'm in a brown room - the brown room - and I'm scared and then she says -

- Disappear here. Here.

To be continued.
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