A Window To Wales

22 Nov 2015
Right, first up a word of warning: Due to an extremely sad looking bank account this is going to be a VERY slow build! :mad:

Now that the depressing facts of life are out of the way, we'll move on to the actual build log...

Currently on order is a Parvum L1.0 case with a few custom mods (will add a sneak peak once the renders are done), and all I have in my hands so far is a pair of 360mm radiators and 6 fans... Well it's a start I guess, at least now when the case arrives I can see how much space I have to play with :p

Components are open to change as funds fluctuate, but current plan is:
  • 6700K
  • Either a 1080 or Titan X (Pascal)
  • 32GB RAM @ 3200
  • Hardline PETG dual loop (2 x 360mm for GPU / 360mm + 480mm for CPU)
  • Custom EL panel light boxes top & bottom (if all goes to plan...!)

Unfortunately that's about it for now, but hopefully I'll be able to update with a couple of sexy case pics within the next few weeks once the guys at Parvum have worked their magic :D

Until then, have some (extremely cheap) fans :p

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Hopefully, just waiting on the renders before giving the go ahead to get the case cut... Here's a little snapshot of what I gave them to work with :)

Haha yep, the more electric I waste the brighter it gets! Might be time to get some more solar panels before SLI gets tempting... :p
Well, at least Nvidia have done you a favour and limited you to just two horribly expensive cards in SLI!
My wife complains when I leave the kitchen lights on. My argument is that they're energy-saving. How're they supposed to save energy if they're switched off?! :D
That's true, although I'm currently torn between one 1080, two 1080's in SLI or a single Titan X... Guessing the bank account will be making the final decision! Definitely going to have to steal that one next time I get moaned at :p
Well according to OCUK, the cheapest 1080 is £10.80....so that's that decision made. You may have trouble finding a water block for it though :p

Also, you'll probably find the girlfriend wants input on the decision.....good job these things only cost £10.80 then!
Haha proper bargain! Reckon I might be able to splash out a bit more as I was originally going to use the motherboard, CPU, RAM, Aquaero and fans from my last built, but the boss won't let me ruin the current rig. This new one will be used for work as well as gaming so the boss wants to keep the current one purely for gaming on the TV... Not going to argue as it means I get 2 awesome spec PC's :D
I was planning on using either an Asus or EVGA graphics card, but after spending 2 minutes knocking up a paint scheme for the backplate I think I may have to give MSI a try for this one...




Anyone have any experience of their customer care? Was wondering if MSI void the warranty if the GPU has been watercooled as I know EVGA customer care is bang on.

If MSI are awful I might just have to paint the MSI logo on an EVGA card...! :D
Heretic! ;) :p
Can't say anything about MSI's customer service as I've not had anything go wrong. To be fair, I've not had a lot from them but I do have a GTX580 Hydrogen that I only replaced because the upgrade itch just got too itchy :D So that was running for a good 5 years and may end up in my wife's PC once I get my build in gear.
That sounds promising, so I might actually be able to get away with painting the correct logo onto the card haha will give MSI a shout at some point and get them to confirm that watercooling the GPU won't void the warranty... Always good to get it in writing just in case :)
Awesome, cheers Smffy :)

If by fun you mean life ruining expense dragged out over many, many months then yes, you're most definitely right! As long as the finished PC is a beast though it'll be worth the short term pain :p

Only problem I'm having atm is Parvum taking a couple of weeks to design the case gives me a couple of weeks to keep thinking up new ideas... It's getting dangerous now :D
Still not heard back from Parvum and probably shouldn't purchase cooling components until I have a solid plan, but... How could I say no to an Aqua Computer D5 and a sexy new Monsoon pump cover?! Also have some more reservoir parts here (tops, bottoms and acrylic tube) but I'm still waiting on a couple of bits to finish building them (come on OcUK, needing some green bits!!) :D

Emailed Parvum yesterday for an update on the case so hoping to see some renders soon :)

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Looking like at least a month unfortunately, as they said 2 weeks for the render then 2 - 4 weeks for the cut. Guessing that could mean 4 - 6 lol

I waited ages for the green to come into stock, gave up yesterday and ordered the white... Yep, green came into stock an hour after I received that! Oh well, at least the forum's free postage is coming in handy :p

Should have the green pump cover and some tension rods here tomorrow, just hope it looks as good as the white does, very impressed with it :)
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Haha that is one pretty sweet (sorry!) added bonus. Trouble is with the free shipping it's tempting to order 20 components as 20 separate orders... Free Haribo for the whole family :D
And hot on the heels of the white pump top we have... GREEN BITS!

The bottom of the reservoir will be changed for a single port the same as the top, but must say I'm really liking these MMRS components. Reckon if I manage to get the lighting correct the green will really 'pop' against a dark green fluid :D

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