A windows taskbar oddity....how can I change this?

4 Dec 2003

You see the balloon tips?
Aha! I hear you cry, tick the box entitled "Keep Taskbar ontop of other windows". Sorry, it is already. (And it does stay on top of other windows, it's just the balloon tips don't seem to want to appear properly).

Any ideas?
Thanks. I think I had this problem with XP before, but IIRC it went away, either with unlocking the taskbar, changing the "stay on top" option, locking, then reversing the procedure. I can't remember.

However, this is x64 (which I would assume is heavily based on XP anyway).

It's just with some balloon tips, like my torrent client or FTP client, I use them for useful information to save me opening the program, and it's quite annoying.

Edit : I've just tried unticking "Keep taskbar ontop of other windows", and funnily enough, the popups now appear OVER the taskbar (which I require), but UNDER windows.....

Where's Bill went you want to give someone an angry slap? :D
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