A wow question about class/race

6 Oct 2004
Hey, ive recently started playing wow, im on the "Twilight hammer" server.

Anyway, ive been playing a human mage recently, got like 8 but dont really find it exciting to play.

So i was wondering what you guys played and how you found it? Im not entirly sure what type of class i would like to play, i know that i want to be alliance though.

I was just wondering what knight elf hunters are like? Are they any good? Can you tame ANY animal to be yours, and how do you keep the animal once you tamed it?

Btw i have read multiple forums/websites but nothing has really answered this question dead on, thanks guys
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ive been playing with a knight elf hunter....and you said they were naff...im not sure what they are like at a higher level but i actually enjoy playing with it lol.

Do they suck?
n3crius said:
Hunter is my favourite roll. Just love it.
Why do you love it so much?

Im a level 5 knight elf hunter now, i was wondering when can i get a pet, is it worth having a pet? And what pets am i able to get
im level 7 now :p lol

Anyway i havent really noticed that many people running about in the city (danwassas or something like that lol)...or really anywhere, but this sever is ment to have a really high population? (Twilight hammer)

MiGSY said:
Give it some time. To be honest all of the classes are quite boring to play at that level, since you only have access to a small section of the class abilities, and you haven't even started earning/using talent points yet.

I've recently started a new character on that server so if you ever need help in-game...etc just give me a whisper if I'm online: Pholus - Night Elf Rogue.
Off driving now but add me to your friends, the name is Nedin
im now a level 10 hunter with a pet owl...ive done a lot of the quests but i really have no idea what to do now... it hasnt got me addicted yet and only 2days left of the trial :(
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