A yearly RoSPA award being given in Memory of my Dad

2 Jan 2009
My dad loved biking and did it every chance he had so ended up being a voluntary tutor for The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). However, he died of a very sudden heart attack at an early age last year. He loved helping out that much, was that much of a help and gave that many great ideas that they have decided to give a yearly 'Best Tutor' award called "The Barry Phillips Best Tutor Award" (which was actually his idea to) :D The award in our area (i don't know how the areas work) is being given tonight.

A bit more info on him that i thought would be good to share:
My dad also did quite a bit of fund raising for NW Air Ambulance, since his death £4,181 has been raised http://www.northwestairambulance.com/tributes/barry-phillips_19650423 . Recently, we also had a fund raising night with a band (his old band) for a cPAD (Public access defibrillator) for the town hall in our village at which £3,282 was raised! Because of how successful that night was, another night like that is being done to get another defib for our neighbouring village. :D

Anyway, I don't know how many of you bikers know about RoSPA but you should check them out! http://www.rospa.com/roadsafety/default.aspx

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