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A10 7850k overclock help

21 Jan 2012
Hereford, UK
Hi guys I'm after a nudge in right direction for as title states a10 overclock help.

I'm not a noob been around the block with many a amd am3+ cpu bulldozer piledriver ect, but having a bit of a head scratcher with these apu.

A10 7850k on closed loop cooler
Asus a88x plus matx board
Hyper x ram 1866mhz
750w gold psu
Ample case cooling idle 28c
R9 270x gpu

So I'm @ 4.3 ghz 1.46 volts which is only voltage I could get stable, I've seen endless posts about higher clocks on a lot lower voltage wondering if anyone could shed some light on where I'm going wrong??

I have all the usual bios settings in place eg. Llc all power saving off ect
But these volts seem way to high and no matter how much I pump in I cant go over 4.3ghz. How people reach 4.7ghz is beyond me lol

User error or bad cpu maybe any help be great
This was my fear thought it was stable @ 4.3ghzbut woke not long ago to find system has froze on me grrrr.

I'm stumped there are a few settings in not used to with these apu rigs anybody who has overclocked these any tips would be great help

Not after new rig as its just cheap build to game on as I lodge away a lot for work so I can just pop it in car and away.

Being that I had discrete gpu already may buy 860k if I cant sort this chip
1.To my knowledge its auto disabled when you connect dgpu is this not true?
2.nb voltage is bk on auto
3.i have tried with different llc combo to no success
4.vrm has a fan blowing on it so there fine
5. I have seen people using this board yes at different speeds all higher than mine
6. All power saving is disabled yes

I'm new with apu clocking,I have a 8350 clocked to 4.8ghz on water I used my knowledge with them but these are a tad different I just wanna determine if its me or the chip?
Why do people still overclock like it's 2004? Cool and Quiet doesn't affect overclocking. What software you using to test stability farmerboy?
Gf28shp isn't great for clocks (4.3-4.4 is generally the brick wall for these chips, so I imagine you have reached the thermal threshold of your apu. What are your core and cpu temps?

If high temps have you tried taking off the ihs to see if the thermal compound is well applied.

Hey davedree I use Intel burn test and realbench as I don't think prime95 is good fir these chips

My temps are good 28c idle benching high 40's low 50's I put new arctic silver 5 on when I built rig few days ago have checked and still good temps are perfect fir my h55 imo

How are people getting 4.7ghz if 4.3 is the threshold? Not saying your wrong but loads of people claim to have reached those clocks
I only had a 7750 gpu to compare it to do good thing you checked.

I don't believe he has reached a thermal wall as on water and lower voltage. The reason for disabling these cool and quiet etc is because these apus throttle like a mother especially if the igpu is used unless you need around with the power settings and turbo modes etc. Note I did suggest he might have his llc too high as suggested in some reviews and on extreme systems forum by some people.

When your system freezes, are there any loss in event viewer to indicate an issue?

Btw, I run my apu at 44/45 with the igpu overclocked with one fan on the hsf (evo 212) with q case fan, and the temp outside yesterday was 100 degrees f (about 36c)... it it's nothing to do with thermal unless there is bad case airflow.

How are you setting the memory speed, spd/xmp/amd profile?

Basic question, are you on a good version of the bios for motherboard? Have you checked asus forum for this motherboard?

I have good case airflow thermal definitely not issue max while stress testing was 56c on cpu

I'm stable @4.2 now gaming stable at least I will post pics of all my bios settings and see if that helps shed some light

When it crashes it blue screens as soon as I put cpu under any load

Llc is at medium and voltage stays where I set it not jumping around at all which I was when I had llc set to extreme

Will post pics soon
Here are all bios pics guys maybe you be so kind to have a look and see whats up if anything, like i say im new to apu but not overclocking as such just need nuudge right way

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