A1432 Original iPad Mini

18 Oct 2002
Missus has just messaged me, shes well proud of herself as shes just bought 2 immaculate iPad Mini's...

However, they're old as dust, so probably very limited as to what apps will go on them due to the iOS being like 10 or whatever..

Are they going to be of any use at all, or shall I just remove her spending permissions :D
Likely iOS9 actually. So very few working apps, browser will be too old. Basically a (very pretty) paperweight at this point.

I have one in a drawer, waiting for someone to crack it so it can take a Linux distro then we can maybe make them useful again rather than e-waste.
Yeah would be nice if all this old hardware was unlocked as the OS moves on, would be better received than 'repairability' IMHO..
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