A2/AS January Exam Results.

15 Jan 2004
Just a quick heads up to those who don't already know, but you school should be getting your January exam results (for AS and A2) on this Thursday (the 9th).

I'm pretty sure I failed everything, how'd you reckon you did?
Sudden said:
Are you guys sure its this thursday?
Asking because some guys in my school were saying the same thing but acc. to some teachers its thursday next week, so just wondering :p
They'll get them electronically this week, but they get them officially on paper next week.
Killerkebab said:
Not happy with my Physics result :/
Physics (Unit1): 76/B
Not something you should be too bothered about, you got a B which is ok, its only basic physics so you can take it again whenever, and the physics you have done/will do subsequently will allow you to get an A if you want one.

lol I got :

Physics U3 B
Computing U3 B
History U4 C
Psychology U4 C (3 off a b :mad: )
Physics U4 Dunno, its so low it was probably off the scale :\.

I think the moral of the story is, putting exams after Christmas isn't that good an idea.
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PinkPig said:
If you retake January AS modules in the summer (ie before your application) then the university will never know about it. If you retake modules in the january after your application then the university won't see your new results - so essentially retakes make no difference at all, they never find out about them.
No. The Universities don't get ANY of your AS/A2 results until your final A2 marks are ready, so they don't know anyway (afaik).
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