A5 Jailbreak incoming...

18 Oct 2002
Leicester, UK
pod2g just tweeted "Yes, upgrade your 4S and iPad 2 to 5.0.1"

Shouldn't be long now...
Save your SHSH blobs and update now! I feel a ninja iOS update by apple might be in the works.

Apple won't be happy with all their devices fully jailbroken...
Yes, you can use TinyUmberella

If you've used Cydia then it likely Cydia will have your 4.3.3 blobs anyway.

I've always saved my blobs, but needed to have to use them to downgrade. Other than TU telling you the blobs are saved successfully, can you manually check they are saved yourself aswell? As like a fail-safe?

I've also read about iFaith as an alternative, anyone used it? It's windows only I think.
I've always saved my blobs, but needed to have to use them to downgrade. Other than TU telling you the blobs are saved successfully, can you manually check they are saved yourself aswell? As like a fail-safe?

I've also read about iFaith as an alternative, anyone used it? It's windows only I think.

Go to the Advanced tab of TinyUmberella it will show you the directory your SHSH blobs will be saved too.

Also make sure you have "Save ALL Available SHSH" and "Request SHSH From Cydia" checked.

If you've never used Cydia obviously you won't need to check that option.

Once you've saved all blobs go to that directory and you will see the .shsh files, they will be around 5-6KB in size.
What's a blob and why should I back it up if I plan on jailbreaking? Is it just a backup of my iPad in case apple release a small update to counter it?
What's a blob and why should I back it up if I plan on jailbreaking? Is it just a backup of my iPad in case apple release a small update to counter it?

When ever Apple release a new iOS it is digitally signed in a SHSH blob. iTunes or Xcode will only allow you to load an iOS on your device currently signed by apple.

When a new iOS is released all previous version will no longer install as they are no longer signed by Apple.

By saving your SHSH blobs you can trick iTunes in to using your own blobs. You can now install any version of iOS you current have blobs for.

If you are currently on a good version of iOS like 4.3.3 or 5.0.1 then yes it's worth saving your blobs if you Jailbreak.
If I don't backup my blobs, and Apple issue an update, I'm assuming the application used to jailbreak would then need to be updated?
Backing up your SHSH blobs has no affect on whether you can Jailbreak your device or not.

The only reason to save your blobs is to roll back to an unsigned version of iOS.

If Apple issue an iOS update and you choose to apply it, then you will definitely break your Jailbreak and you will need to re-jailbreak your device (if a Jailbreak is available for the new iOS).

If you are currently on iOS 5.0.1, I would save your blobs and don't apply and updates from Apple if you plan on Jailbreaking.

The reason Jailbreakers get hung up on iOS versions is the untethered Jailbreak. Being untethered means you can reboot your device as you please.

If you're tethered then you need to connect your device to a pc or mac to reboot it.

There is a only a untethered Jailbreak for a select few versions of iOS. The most recent are 4.3.3 and 5.0.1.
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