Got this stable at 265 FSB running at 2.4 gig. Problems seems to be that games run too quick. Take Outrun 2006, it is like you are watching a video of someone playing and they have held down the fast forward button. Browsing is fine, coding is fine, DVD's/Music etc all fine. Games on the other hand just run at what should be twice the normal speed. Any ideas? I have a 939 nf4g motherboard, 2 gig ram, audigy 2 and the 939 winnie. CPUZ attached.
Got this stable at 265 FSB running at 2.4 gig. Problems seems to be that games run too quick. Take Outrun 2006, it is like you are watching a video of someone playing and they have held down the fast forward button. Browsing is fine, coding is fine, DVD's/Music etc all fine. Games on the other hand just run at what should be twice the normal speed. Any ideas? I have a 939 nf4g motherboard, 2 gig ram, audigy 2 and the 939 winnie. CPUZ attached.