A64 dual core - spontanious reboots

23 Oct 2002
Some where, out there
Fresh install of windows XP Pro went on without a problem. Did a bunch of windows updates, and restarted the system, and now the system won't make it to the desktop before rebooting.

A64 3800 dual core
Gigabyte K8N SLI pro m/b (N-Force 4 chipset)
Gigabyte X800XL PCI-E gfx card
4x 512mb Kingston CAS3
Hitachi 160gb Sata drive

Any clues?
a few things for you to try if you haven't already
tried updating the bios on the mobo?
using 1 stick of ram, 2 sticks etc...
different motherboard
different cpu
different psu
running outside the case
memtest the ram (in a different machine if you have to)

is this a new build or an old machine?
and are the restarts completely random or when under heavy load?

just a few things for you to try
Have narrowed it down to some memory issue, just not sure what. Dropped one stick of corsair into it, and it's working fine. I'll finish all the updates, then try the kingston again. The memory is the same memory that was in my P4 system, so I know the memory itself is ok, just not sure if it's a Latency issue.
certainly is a bit weird.
perhaps it just doesn't like using the 4 sticks of the stuff (making it run at 2T)?
have you tried the Kingston ram but only 1 or 2 sticks of it?
not as yet. Getting all the updates dowloaded and installed first, see if it's some weird windows thing. I've checked Kingston's website, and there's no problem with compatibility. I hadn't thought of the board increasing the memory speed if all four banks are populated.... will look into that. thanks for your replies, matey :)
I got the same thing after cleaning up the wires in my case abit did a fresh install of windows and its good. Dont know what happend tho.
sorted the problem. The board defaults the memory to cas 2.5, and my kingston's only cas 3. quick bit of bios fiddling, and it's a happy little bunny :)
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