Aaarrggghhh Fedora!

14 Jan 2004
Why can i not get on with Fedora?

I so much want to.... It sits in a comfortable position, doing everything for you Ubuntu style, and being a bit more techy at the same time.

But i simply can't get things to just work :(

I use Arch on my laptop now, and am happy tinkering away to get things working just how i want. I did have Ubuntu installed on my laptop, my girlfriend's laptop, and my desktop until recently, but decided it was time for a change. So i thought Fedora might be a good choice, for the desktop (which my gf uses for design work) but i am dogged by the same problems i had when i last tried it... Nothing works, or is available!! Where are the msttcorefonts? What a ball ache to install them. Trying to install additional fonts for the gf's work.... nah ah! Trying to add non-free repos ie. rpm-fusion - not happening!

What the hell?? I thought that Fedora was a fairly straight forward, click and go distro, but maybe my expectations are wrong? The system needs to just work with so many things so that my gf can use it easily - perhaps i should just put the latest Ubuntu on here and be done with it. She does quite like Gnome3 though (as do i), which was a relief as i had to install Macbuntu on Ubuntu previously so that she enjoyed using it...

Just a bit of a rant.... It's just that Arch feels so much easier than Fedora, but i think that's because my expectation for Arch is that i need to spend time messing about to get stuff working, whereas i expect Fedora to just work! :rolleyes:
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