AB350 Gaming 3 - Board powered but no video output

14 Jun 2017
Hi All,

I've been having an issue with my board (With a Ryzen5 1600). OC have been great and taken it back and tested it with all okay. It has to be something local, so I'm back to fault finding. Below is my original post to OC to show where I'm at. I'd love if anyone has had similar and resolved, or has any thoughts on something else I can try.

"Hi I hope you can help.

I have a problem with my build as listed above.

After a reboot, the machine does not load to bios, and shows only a blank screen. I have already RMA'd the machine and OC have reported that it "posted as normal". However when I got it back and rebuilt it I observed the exact same outcome.

What I observed:
  • All case fans and RGB come on
  • GPU and CPU Fans come on
  • Power LED indicator on Motherboard lit (Everything is receiving power)
  • both monitors powered and connected
  • Monitors both indicate receiving no signal (No cursor etc)
  • Decorative RGB LED strip on board flashes momentarily then remains off
What I've tried:

  • Disconnecting the Memory sticks one at a time then both
  • Removing drives one at a time, then all
  • Removing GPU and testing output from onboard dvi port
  • Tested on two monitors indiviually and both (All port combinations)
  • Tested with older GPU (Radeon 5900)
  • Removed Lan Card
  • Powered down and bridged CMOS
  • Removed Bios Battery for 10m then reinstalled it and rebooted
  • Sent back to OC for testing
  • Re-seated and gave chip top and cooler plate a deep clean when rebuilding
  • Double checked all connections when rebuilding

Would appreciate any assistance or advice you can offer."

Since then I've confirmed with OC Tech support that the board functioned properly with video output when they tested it and indeed was able to intall into windows.

With the RGB strip failing I'm thinking possibly a case short, or PSU issue? Am I missing anything?

I'd appreciate any suggestions,

Thanks in advance

Hi Midlife Crisis,

Yeah, I'm going to try out of the case tonight. Ironically I would love it to be a short since I think we're of the same mind here, it's either a short or the PSU and since I don't have a spare PSU the short would be preferable. So fingers crossed.

What has me wondering is that it came on acutely and had been running find for months, which makes me suspect the PSU has developed a fault (Baffling, since everything is seemingly getting power).

Thanks for the suggestion.

So the build outside of the case gave the same results, eliminating a short. It looks like there's some sort of issue with the PSU. Borrowing one to test on within the next few days to confirm.
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