Abandoned Games

8 Feb 2004
In the wetlands...
From Slashdot

Ghost Pig writes "The people of Exiled Gamers have put together an Abandonware Campaign with which they hope to be able to convince game publishers to rescue titles from their current 'Abandonware' status, and make them available for the public to play (legally) once again. They have made mention of quite a few titles that have slipped into the status of Abandonware (titles that it's no longer possible to buy at retail, and that are near impossible to locate on sites such as eBay), which includes System Shock 2, Freespace 2, as well as older titles, such as The Chaos Engine, Alien Breed and Flashback."

Abandonware Campaign - Petition
Although this is a worthwhile peitition, the things never work, and you'll not see anything happen from it I don't think.

Signed anyway.
Seft said:
people have been campaigning for abandonware for ages. It's not going to happen (sadly)

I'm aware that this is something that people might want, but how many semi-organised campaigns can you think of? Especially ones that have occured in recent memory?

mrgubby said:
Signed , you never know , we may get lucky.....

Exactly! Even if it's only a few games (fingers crossed for System Shock 2!)

The original forum post now makes mention of a open source version of Freespace 2 - downloading it now!
Bloodrayne said:
I'm aware that this is something that people might want, but how many semi-organised campaigns can you think of? Especially ones that have occured in recent memory?

BHLegend launched the International Campaign of Abandonware Supporters...
If I understand this correctly, it's not neccessarily people saying "we want these games for free!" it's actually people saying "we want a legal way to play these games again". I think there's a chance devs will listen because if anything it gives them a chance of making a little money since they could quite easily operate a pay to download service.

Although I feel the need to point out that some of those games are still available to buy and work fine on modern machines. Sam and Max and Day of the Tentacle are available in pack that was only released a couple of years ago. Lemmings is still making a nice sum of money from various ports to handheld devices so there's not much chance of that being released free.
In between dealing with my computer collapsing in the heat and trying to set-up a wireless network, I thought I'd go back and see how this was going.

To summarise what I read in the forum thread:

EA don't want to know.
Ubisoft really appreciate it, but don't want to know.
Team17 may be remaking Alien Breed.
Bitmap Brothers are remaking their games to work on XP, and then will sell them through their site.

The last one is good news, I'd love a bit of Speedball 2 or Chaos Engine (not as much as I'd love SWOS and Cannon Fodder though)

The Freespace 2 open-source modification-thingee? Class.
Crispy Pigeon said:
Signed. There are some real gems out there that I'd love to be able to play again.

It was you I gave System Shock 2 away to :)

Surprisingly I have located the outer cardboard box lol, its in a box in my loft next to Command and Conquer. :D

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