abba Superbike stand group buy

Excellent find, been wanting one of these for ages. Quick question though, it says fitting kit included, when I was going through sign up, I didn't see where I put in my bike model...although saying that I only got to the payment part cos my PayPal app wouldn't load up, so I shall do it again when I get to a PC.
Thanks for sharing :)
Excellent find, been wanting one of these for ages. Quick question though, it says fitting kit included, when I was going through sign up, I didn't see where I put in my bike model...although saying that I only got to the payment part cos my PayPal app wouldn't load up, so I shall do it again when I get to a PC.
Thanks for sharing :)

Fitting kit is just several different types of frame plugs from what I remember. Not bike specific.
Just signed up for one. Looks like it'll ease the worry of buying bikes without centrestands in the future.

That said, no-where did I get to say what fitting kit I needed....? Think it's kit 3, according to the f800 forums.
Abba stands are great - just be aware the fitting kits are a tad on the pricey side. About £20/£25 per kit.
Yay..finally ordered. Even if a fitting kit doesn't arrive, its still about £25+ saving.

Morbius.....nerd monkey ? :)
I sent them a mail telling em I would send the boys round :D
Alright then, I actually asked what about the free kit malarky and I got a mail saying
Thanks for getting in touch. Not to worry - we will be contacting all customers to gather the information required to send you the right fitting kit. Expect to receive an email within the next few minutes!

Nice...but I am still waiting for the mail to arrive :confused:
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