Abit IP35-E to Abit IP35 Pro question

18 Oct 2002
Hey peeps,

back when aBit were actually doing business i bought an IP35-E to use with an e2180. I've clocked the chip to around 2750mhz but if I push the FSB any higher on the board, even if I reduce the multiplier on the CPU, my computer becomes unstable. Because of this i'm fairly certain it's the board holding me back; please correct me if i may be wrong though.

I've seen an aBit IP35 pro somewhere 2nd hand going for not a lot of money (hopefully under £20) and was thinking of getting this and swapping the boards to give me a bit more headroom.

Would the swap, drivers/windows wise, be straight forward? Does anybody have any recommendations as to how I should go about it?

Is it even worth going for a similar board for the swap or should I just look at getting another board all together?

okey doke, here goes:

I'm using corsair dominator 8500, but because of the stupid ways the dividers work on the IP35-E it's only running at 916mhz (instead of 1066) because if i go to the next divider it runs at 1100 (which you think would run ok, even with a bit of extra voltage, but it doesn't and it crashes out of games).

The cooler is the stock one for the Q9500, the one with the copper centre not the stock e21xx cooler. It runs the CPU at around 45-55C depending on load. But the cooler isn't really relevant at this stage as if I up the FSB but lower the multi it still won't POST.

The details are:

FSB: 275
multi: 10x (i've tried lowering this and upping the FSB to 300 and it still falls over or won't even post)
DDR2 speed: 916mhz

CPU Core v: 1.5~ (i've tried increasing this upto 1.9~ but it still won't have it)
DDR2 v: 2.1 (probably a little too high if anything considering the underclock)
CPU VTT V: 1.2 (this i think is the FSB voltage, it only has one other option and that's 1.2375 - if i set it to that, the CPU Core v to 1.9 and the FSB to 300 it still won't POST)
MCH 1.25 v: Auto
ICH 1.50 v: 1.5v
CPU GTL Ref: 63.0%

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well whaddya know :) just posted in fine at 3ghz :)

I upped the MCH 2 notches, the VTT 1 notch and the ICH 1 notch and it's doing 300 x 10.

The ram already had the timings set but obviously with the increased FSB the RAM is running at 1000 now (i might even try to push for that 1066, hehe)

You've been a fantastic help, thank you very much!



You've earned it!

it just fell over after 30-40 minutes of pro evo 2011; not super death mind, the program just crashed. But it's definitely progress :)

I've notched the MCH up one more (to about 1.37~ if memory serves) and i'll see how it gets on and if there's no change i'll trial and error my way along but fingers crossed the problem has been resolved!

just knocking the MCH up one hasn't worked. so i notched the CPU volts up 1 as well and it's still the same... hmm... what's the CPU GTL Ref?

well i've been trying again tonight and the best i can get is about 15-20 minutes of Bulletstorm and the PC bluescreens no matter what i try. If i push for 320fsb it won't even post, not even with more MCH or VTT or CPU core or all/any combination

I wonder if it's the PSU? I think it's a 435W PSU, it was a decent manufacturer, although the name of them escapes me now, is there anyway if i can check whether the voltage is dropping?

still on the ip35-e, this is why i'm thinking it might be something else as no changes i make now seem to make any bearing on the stability of the machine.

I'll download hwinfo and see if it throws up anything obvious

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