Abit IP35 pro - 7F error

22 Apr 2006
Port Talbot
Booted up my PC this morning and for some reason it started posting but then when straight into the BIOS screen and locked so that i could not use the keyboard

On watching the LED codes on the M/B on rebooting it got to 7F and then hung again - On looking up the 7F code in the Abit manual it's give some gobblegook about 'switch back to Text Mode '

Any one got any ideas?
7F Switch back to text mode if full screen logo is supported
-If errors occur, report errors & wait for keys
-If no errors occur or F1 key is pressed to continue: Clear EPA or customization logo

Did you try hitting F1 on your keyboard?
yep F1 is locked up as was the rest of the keyboard at that point

Luckily I managed to get the the CMOS to reset (by booting with the insert key held down) and that allowed me to get into the bios and reload the defaults - Turned out the problem was some to do with my keyboard giving up the ghost and shorting out
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