About that severed internet cable then

24 Oct 2012
Heard about this about a week ago on the news, a few days later the press tells us it was caused by a Chinese (they were quick to specify this for some reason) vessel dragging it's anchor on the seabed.

Today I find out that it wasn't one, but two cables. Then this chap, who I think often hits the mark but occasionally veers in to conspiracy theory territory, posts this vid. I'm struggling to find any counter arguments to anything he says, and the comments on the vid raise some pretty thought provoking points too.

BBC article here:

Now I'm not one for conspiracy theories but this certainly has me scratching my head a bit.

The main question is why anyone would deliberately sever these cables in the first place.

Curious stuff.
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I can't really see how it was an accident. But it sounds like it will never be resolved because of the arguments surrounding it. But then I don't really see the point. If this is deliberate, then all they are doing is persuading the governments that they must rely on some other technology.
Elon did it with his spacex fleet, to force governments to use Starlink. He wants to be for Internet what Nestle was for baby formula and with his new power in the Trump tyranny he'll be able to do it through getting people reliant with cheap free Internet that can't be damaged like this and then bait and switching with tarrifs he "isn't in control of".
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