About to purchase first bike (XJ6N) - need advice please!

23 May 2011
Hi all,

Looking for some advice.

I have been doing my DAS training on a Yamaha XJ6 and I really like the bikes.

I have found one for sale and agreed a price with the seller, however I have a few concerns. Here are the details:

2009 Yamaha XJ6N
No damage at all - described as mint
1 owner from new
Just under 10k miles
Only has 1 service stamp at 4500 miles
Since then has covered 5000 miles in the last 4 years (it seems he purchased another bike and kept the XJ6 which was the lesser used)
Owner has (apparently) changed the oil and filter every year, but doesn't have any supporting receipts
I understand it would be due a major service this year (or at 12k miles) where all fluids will be changed
All 3 keys present
V5 present
5 months tax remaining
MOT until May 2015 - but does not have any of the old MOT certificates. Isn't it possible for me to look these up online to verify the mileage of the bike?
Brand new front tyre
Rear tyre has about 2mm left

I asked if he would agree to a mechanics inspection when I viewed the bike and he was not reluctant, so I assume he's not knowingly hiding anything.

Price agreed is £2,500 which seems very reasonable, including delivery to Surrey from Sussex by the owner.

So my concerns are the lack of previous MOT certificates to verify the mileage (although if I can check this online then no problem) and the lack of service history. I understand the XJ6 service interval is every 6k miles so I am not hugely concerned, but admittedly I don't know a huge amount about bikes.

Hence asking for advice here.

What do you think of this given the details? Would you take a punt on it for what seems like a bit of a bargain?

Obviously I would HPI check it before purchasing.


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It does seem pretty low. It was put up on ebay but didn't sell with a starting bid of £2,900 so I have contacted the seller and agreed on £2,500 - haggled down from his initial offer to drop to £2,700.

No, this isn''t the ABS model.

I have checked using that which shows only the last MOT - but that does tally up with the mileage I have been told.

Thanks for the reply.
Just to add an update to this.

I ended up purchasing the bike after a HPI and inspecting the bike myself. Obviously owned by an enthusiast through talking with the guy and had clearly been well looked after.

I serviced the bike this weekend, and passed my Mod 2 yesterday so got to take it out for the first time and it rides great, very happy with it.

All I need to do now is get the rear tyre replaced in the next week or 2 and make the most of the rest of summer.

Thanks for all the advice.
Thanks :)

It has a pretty much brand new Bridgestone Battlax BT-023 on the front so I think I will stick one of those on the rear too.

A bit pricey but they seem to have good reviews and bound to be cheaper than buying a new front too as want to keep the tyres matched.
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