ABS Ring has cracked, Easy to Fit?

18 Oct 2002
Wellington, NZ
My ABS ring on the n/s/f driveshaft has cracked and it's causing the ABS to cut in at low speeds.


How easy would this be to refit as some people are saying the ring needs to be heated up before it goes on, is this the case? Has anyone done this job before?
Nothing too bad, the biggest pain will be getting the shaft out and the gearbox oil will need to be replaced as its the passenger one too.
You will need to get the ring red hot to expand it so it will fit onto the cv joint(which you will really need to clean up with a brush on an angel grinder or the like). Unless you have a gas torch capable of getting it up to those temps you might be better off replacing the shaft, otherwise you will be removing the shaft to take it someone with suitable equipment to get the ring on there and that will cost. Factor that in with the price of the ring and then you have to work out if the extra cost of a new shaft is worth it(also depending how many miles your existing driveshaft has on it).
never had to heat the ring at all, just make sure the mating surface is clean and careful tap the ring down making sure it never goes to far off line.
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