Absolutely Fantastic Insurance Quote

17 Mar 2005
620 Pounds for me and my father he is 53 and has 0 ncb
i am 17

on a 1.6 mk2 golf , slightly higher for the 1.8

1.9 pug 306

around 620 for each car thats absolutely fantastic via CIS
Are you a named driver on his policy or is he a named driver on your policy ?

As much as everyone moans at people like Fox who point out that doing this is wrong, he does have a point. It IS fraud and it IS illegal, unless you inform the insurance company of what your doing.

OK, so your not likely to get caught, but is it really worth the risk?
Why not tell them its a 1.1 that way you can have a VR6 and be really cool! Anyone who suggests otherwise is *** INSURANCE POLICE LOLZ
it says will anyone else be driving this vehicle ? we ticked yes and put my name in it doesnt ask how much i will be driving so theirfore i feel is fine.
Read the small print. IIRC, from reading the policy stuff the CIS sent my dad the other day, there is some clause about named drivers and main drivers, can't remember what it says though...
Matteh said:
As much as everyone moans at people like Fox who point out that doing this is wrong, he does have a point. It IS fraud and it IS illegal, unless you inform the insurance company of what your doing.

Whilst I agree, Fox does have a very valid point, this comes up all the time and people that read here semi regular will know what sort of response these threads provoke, and also, the younger people that do it usually know the score on the legallity front, so it doesnt need to be pointed out in every response to the thread.
James_N said:
the younger people that do it usually know the score on the legallity front, so it doesnt need to be pointed out in every response to the thread.

No they don't, most of them have absolutely no idea. Thats why they are asking about insurance on a forum.
Why not just bite the bullet and have your own premium? Yeah it is gonna cost you a lot more but at least you will be building your own NCB.

Named drivers are for rich little people borrowing Mummy or Daddies car. :p

If you get caught out at 17 you wont be doing yourself any favours.
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As long as you've made it 101% clear to the insurance company and they've agreed (via the phone and in writing) then I can't see nothing wrong with it.

Your quoted price though does seem to indicate the insurance company is not fully aware that 17 year old is going to be driving the car a lot.
college n back 3x a week n work twice so all in all ill be using it 5 times a week. and the odd social outing how do they prove whos driving the car more?
WalkeruK said:
rich people ? im buying my own car my own insurance i payed for my own lessons i dont get handouts son.

Yes if you read the replies that is why you shouldn't be a named driver as it is all done by you. It is effectively YOUR premium and YOUR car not your dads.

The rich thing was a joke BTW.
WalkeruK said:
I havent got 1200 or even more for the ridiculously priced insurance's of a 17 year old.

Try a cheaper car?

Don't get me wrong I think insurance is a rip off for younger drivers but you shouldn't really try and cheat it. Phone the insurance company as earlier suggested and ask.
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