Absolutley Disgraceful

Clerkin said:
your kidding right?

No. Is there anything to suggest that the masks were definetly supposed to make them look like kkk members? Surely if they wanted to do that then pointed white hoods would be more appropriate? I'd agree there would be a problem if they were directly abusing anyone but for the actions mentioned in the article the reaction seems way over the top. Of course there could have been actual racist abuse but the article doesn't make that clear.
I agree with Gribs, that article doesn't actually say anything apart from some guys had white masks on. Which means what exactly? :confused:

All this over sensitivity to things like racism gets a bit silly sometimes.
Clerkin said:
yeah but why else would you be wearing a white hood that resembles that of the kkk?

From the article they weren't wearing hoods just white masks. A bloke in a white mask just doesn't make me think of the kkk. Has anyone got any other reports about this as I'm sure some vital information is missing from the bbc report.
It's one of those weird symbol issues. I mean technically they could be wearing the masks that Spanish priests wear...

...though at a football match? Why don't they just throw the guy a banana...
bigmouse64 said:
This is why we need a better justice system, public hanging anyone?
If hanging is your answer to everything from minor racist gestures upwards, we're going to need some sort of fast-track drive-thru gallows.

Got anything useful to add?
Much like the pig head of last week if they actually caught the people that did it could they prove an offence had been commited in court, after all they just stood there in masks and didn't say anything - is that actually a crime?
Goatboy said:
Much like the pig head of last week if they actually caught the people that did it could they prove an offence had been commited in court, after all they just stood there in masks and didn't say anything - is that actually a crime?

no probably not

but inciting racial hatred is. thats where theyd get them. if they did have kkk masks on then they would defintley be guilty of this
They definently were wearing KKK style masks....This stories been in the local rags all week and one of them carried pics taken on the supporters bus on the way to the match against Gretna.....Pics may have been taken on a mobile phone but was crystal clear to see the KKK masks

Mindless morons

/edit - just noticed rmuirs link actually has one of the pics in his link
mate of mine is the press officer/gretna spokesperson been trying to get in touch with him and get the gen.

Sad to see idiots like this, hope they get a lifetime ban from footie grounds.
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