abstergo PC - Assassins creed build

15 Feb 2016
i possted this to another forum while waiting for activation. But ill post everything i alrready had on the other one here all as my first post

This is my first case mod and it sounds a bit ambitious tbh
but i feel like ill be able to do it.

I am planning on hopefully starting this tomorrow but id like to hear ideas of what people think i could do as well as what i already have planned.
i still haven't decided what hardware to use but it will probably be extremely low end for now because i do not have much money .

im going to be doing it in white and blue using a Zalman Z3 case i used to have a rig in. i had the black one which means im going to have to paint it before i do anything.

i plan on making fangrills, more for aesthetics than anything, a PSU shroud/cover and a few other little ideas. i guess before any of the parts get here tomorrow i should take a picture of the case without anything done to it, so here it is:

and disassembled:

so i cant remove the 3.5 drive bays or 5.25 bays which might become a problem when painting but if it does ill cut them out, but i have got a use for the optical drive bay that im going to keep quiet for now.
But the first thing ill do tomorrow is clean all the dust off case.

day 2:
Today i sat waiting for bits to be delivered, i received the sandpaper, my rotary tool and blades and paint. i was hoping for it to have come sooner but it didnt
I got the rotary tool so i could cut the abstergo logo next to the window and put light blue translucent acrylic behind it. after i got the tool i decided to practice on theside of an old hp compaq case and it's a good thing i did because it didn't cut and hardly even scratched it. Now i will have to find another way to cut through the side panel, but thanfully i should be able to use the tool on the acrylic.

day 3 (today):
Today the acrylic sheets i ordered were delivered and so far i have used primer on all the pieces of the case apart from the one i intend to cut. I left the back of the side panel because i ran out of primer but i can do that again when i do the other side panel.
i removed the pcb for the power button, LED and USB ports.

this was after my second coat and i did one more coat before i ran out. I think it went well apart from the little bit i applied a bit too much.



As you can see i didnt apply much to the top of the chassis because that isnt really going to be seen by anyone.

please leave feedback, be it negative or positive please.
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im not entirely sure what ill be running inside it but if i do decide on something its likely to be low spec/second hand components because i dont have much money, or it'll be my budget system. I'll definitely try to be using white and blue components though
im probably going to end up using it as a home theater PC or use steam OS and use in home streaming, but i did have a couple of interesting ideas i can try to pull off at a budget that i dont plan on sharing until it's set in stone. So if i cant get my ideas together it'd probably be fairly low spec, but if i scour ebay for long enough im sure ill find some amazing deals on slightly outdated hardware and a graphics card that's been used for bitcoin mining
So yesterday i got around to painting and heres some pictures from the second coat:


It doesnt look bad but there were still little imperfections so i decided id do a third, and was the same but theen i did my fourth and i hoped it would be my final coat. Everything was going well, when
*cue dramatic music*
disaster struck and it rained. I didnt notice till after the shower when i went to get food and it had stopped. Fortunately most of the paint was dry so i brought it in and dried it off being careful not to touch the bits that still had slightly wet paint.
I put it together so i dont put anything out of the way or so nothing slides down from what its leaning on.
I am probably going to give it another coat tomorrow because of this rain thing and then some lacquer.
here is what i have so far:





one thing i am thinking about is to use the blue paint i have on the inside of the side panel you can see behind the motherboard tray.

Today I got round to doing the power supply cover, and well, its my first time using a dremel properly, and i botched the first cut pretty badly so it's now too short because i didnt consider getting spare :////

But i think i have a few ideas of how i can fix it. I also cut some vinyl and stuck it onto the power supply cover. i do still need to sand down the edges but hey, im not rushing this.
heres the "finished" cover

i know it doesnt look that good. i left the protective fillm on every piece apart from the one with the logo.
despite all the bad points about this, it doesnt look bad at all with the (not yet painted) side panel on it. i might have "abstergo industries" just to the right but im still not sure.

another update you might be interested in is that i feel like im coming close to the hardware im using, and i think its going to be surprisingly good and the best price to performance ive ever seen
yeah, the only parts im having trouble with is the motherboard and processor, im considering going for a q6600 or something, old but from what i can tell with some overclocking it should be fine, or 2 xeon e5450's and an old server motherboard, but then i have the challenge of getting it to fit. But the GPU i am looking at is a very good deal and will be a hd 7850 at the very least
i havent been able to update much as iive been in college, but all i did really was the final coat of paint and lacquer. Over this weekend though i cut the side panel window and sanded it down

(sorry for low quality i didnt have my camera)
then i taped off the window and did 4 coats of primer, ready to paint it soon hopefully
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