I've always bought into the zero mouse acceleration train of thought, believing as everyone seems to say it's the best and that I was "optimising" my chances in online games.
As it turns out of late I've upgraded my rig and forgot to turn all default crap off and have been using accel/precision enhancement. My aim so far feels x10 better!
No, really, I'm not just saying that.
I don't have a lot of surface real estate...
As you can see.
I also play at 400 dpi with a pinky and thumb grip, that may go some way to explain it as I'm not using much muscle memory.
What's the general consensus ?
As it turns out of late I've upgraded my rig and forgot to turn all default crap off and have been using accel/precision enhancement. My aim so far feels x10 better!
No, really, I'm not just saying that.
I don't have a lot of surface real estate...
As you can see.
I also play at 400 dpi with a pinky and thumb grip, that may go some way to explain it as I'm not using much muscle memory.
What's the general consensus ?