Access Error Message - Help



20 Oct 2003
Hit a problem today which I can't seem to work out or find an answer anywhere.

In a nutshell, a customer of mine has a program that can use either an Access or SQL database.

For the past 2 years, they've used Access, and today have switched over to SQL.

All has gone good, until they've received the following error message:

The minimum aggregate operation cannot take a bit data type as an argument.

I've look at both databases and the error is connected with a field called "IPPTAG". In Access, the datatype of this field is "Yes/No" in SQL it's a BIT.

Now I know they are technically the same thing, but the following SQL command is throwing a wobbler when run.

In Access, it runs perfect, in SQL it crashes with the error, removing the MIN(d.IPPTag) reference causes it to work.

Any ideas if there's a way to get it working?

Query is:

SELECT d.BasicPartNo, d.LatestPartNo, d.PartColour, MAX(d.Description) AS FirstDesc, MIN(d.IPPTag) AS MinIppTag, SUM(W1QtyRequired) AS Required FROM DeliverySchedule d WHERE d.SupplierID = 1 AND d.WarehouseID = 1 AND d.OrderType = 1 AND d.PlanCode = 'U4AF01' AND d.ShipToCode = 'SDC1' AND d.ProdPeriod = 42 AND d.DateTimeDelivery = {ts'2006-10-16 11:00:00'} AND d.Creator = 1 AND d.W1QtyRequired IS NOT NULL GROUP BY d.BasicPartNo, d.LatestPartNo, d.PartColour ORDER BY d.BasicPartNo, d.LatestPartNo, d.PartColour
Well the program is a bespoke piece of kit wrote be a rather large car company in Swindon, so I can't change the code as it's hard-coded into the program.

I agree, the error makes total sense, but didn't know if there was some advanced SQL server action that could convert a 1 to a Y or a 0 to a N. Likewise didn't know if there was a datatype (what I've no idea!!) in SQL that would act 'similar' to the Yes/No state in Access which I believe is a tetinary state and not binary like SQL.
Well, just converted the field type from BIT to INT and no errors reporting (can't do the CASE statement as the query is hardcoded into the program!).

No errors is a start, will have to wait now to see if the results the program returns is the same as the query.

Thanks for that, was starting to get worried!!
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