Access help

19 Oct 2006
Let me just start off by saying my db skills are terrible, I normally manage to cobble together what I need with a lot of help from google.

Some time ago a I created an access db that had a few linked tables to Sage Line 50 via ODBC, I have one form which lets you select a stock code with a combo box then runs a report which is basically a stock label which then brings up the print dialog you select how many labels you want then repeat for the next stock code.

Now I would like to add a form that will let me select a purchase order and print all the lables for the stock codes on that po with (hopefully) the correct qty of labels for each stock code etc, I have got the combo box working so I can select the purchase order and have created a query that displays the correct stock codes for the purchase order selected in the combo box on the form but I am not sure how to pass that query to my stock label report or how to get the correct label qty for the qty on order.

Any really quick pointers? If I get stuck for too long I am likley to put it on the back burner but I have some spare time today so i would really like to get this working.

Thanks in advance :)
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