Accident and Hire/Courtesy Bike

28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
On Friday I was knocked off my bike by someone crossing my path.

During the process of me giving the claim details, they asked if I wanted a hire bike. I asked if it was covered by my policy and they said it would be claimed of the third party.

Now, my friends are telling me I could end up paying for the hire bike... which would be annoying as I don't really need it, I have a car, but there might be a few occasions it would be handy as I sometimes lend my brother my car.

I'm now thinking I should get it sent back ASAP as it could cost me £100 a day.

For the record, I don't see how I could lose, I have video of the accident from my GoPro, the only problem, I don't know how fast I was going, it could be deemed too fast (although I don't think it was).

(I don't want to post the video in case it interferes with the process)

I assumed I might as well have the bike, as costs would be covered by insurance, that's what it's for surely? I'm insured with MCE, does anyone have any advice on the matter?
I did wonder (too late) if I should have submitted just stills of the event, taken from the video.

I got an e-mail reply this morning, saying they are confident of a win and the cost will be covered by the other party.

I then called them to ask if something did go wrong and the person assured me, if it did go wrong, they would cover the cost of the hire bike. Does this sound right? I have the guys name and everything, if it turns out they try and charge me.

Sounds like I can't go wrong, but I am tempted to send the hire bike back when I return from Scotland on Tuesday. Just in case.
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