Ace Ventura 3 Kill me NOW

4 Sep 2005
I had a thought earlier.. Maybe there'll be a third Ace Ventura. How fantastic would that be?

Only.. I found this:

It's a very old source, but I haven't heard anything since it was published. But it basically says about how companies that know a franchise has died down, but create another film based on the main character's wacky son.. And the films are ALWAYS terrible without exception. If this goes ahead.. It looks like it could be the same thing. :o

If this is true then that's another great franchise ruined. :(

Anyone have any more information on it?
Yeah it'll suck like slippers made from the heads of innocent and defenseless baby seals.

Actually I'm looking forward to it, just to see if they can actually pull it off. If they do it'll be excellent.
I knew every word from that film, am I sad? :o

I'm going to have to dig it out again now :D
'You really love animals, don't you?'

'If it gets cold enough.'

Only this and Liar Liar and that's pretty much every one of his films ruined by sequels without him in :mad:
"Your request is like your lower intenstine... stinky, and full of danger"

I really hope the idiots dont go ahead with this. :(
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