Acer 1670 - Power issues?

19 Aug 2006
Hi. I've had this laptop for ages, and this has never happened before until a couple of days ago. Over christmas the power adapter started making a lot of noise, so I got another one that said it was compatible from the internet. This worked. Now, it seems that sometimes the power cable will be plugged in, powered up and stuff, but it still runs off battery. This continues until it hibernates, with an active power cable plugged in!

This has become very frustrating due to work commitments with the laptop etc.

Can anyone shed any light on what's happening? I have two pretty functional power cables, neither of which work - does this mean that the laptop itself is damaged somehow?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.
Not enough amperage being supplied by the adaptor? My adaptor for my old 1670 used to run boiling hot so I think the laptops must draw huge current.
i would suspect that the actual socket on the laptop has a dry joint or is on its way out. it will either be soldered to the mainboard or on a cable, either way it sounds like it needs replacing,
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