Started yesterday, display disappears after a few seconds and doesn't return until cycling multiple resets or waiting for a few hours. I'm guessing my monitor is toast and probably down to something small like a voided solder joint or faulty cap.
I've heard Acer don't bother repairing monitors in the UK and just confirm the issue then handle a refund to the customer. Is there any truth to that? I want to keep it badly but can't trust it any longer.
I'm pretty gutted tbh, it was one of the few which was available in the UK from new and my ideal monitor. USB-C + DP + HDMI, usb hub pass through and charging over USB-C for my work macbook, 180hz, g-sync comp, curved, 3440x1440 and so on and on. Nothing else similar on the market and I got it under retail pricing.
Just wondering if anyone has previously been involved with an Acer monitor return and how it went?
Started yesterday, display disappears after a few seconds and doesn't return until cycling multiple resets or waiting for a few hours. I'm guessing my monitor is toast and probably down to something small like a voided solder joint or faulty cap.
I've heard Acer don't bother repairing monitors in the UK and just confirm the issue then handle a refund to the customer. Is there any truth to that? I want to keep it badly but can't trust it any longer.
I'm pretty gutted tbh, it was one of the few which was available in the UK from new and my ideal monitor. USB-C + DP + HDMI, usb hub pass through and charging over USB-C for my work macbook, 180hz, g-sync comp, curved, 3440x1440 and so on and on. Nothing else similar on the market and I got it under retail pricing.
Just wondering if anyone has previously been involved with an Acer monitor return and how it went?