I have a few Acorn Electrons and one has stopped working so I've been thinking about putting a Raspberry Pi inside of it. The most difficult part would be converting the Acorn Electrons keyboard to USB. I know there are boards made for this from some retro computer sites but they are too expensive. I think there is a controller board I can get on ebay but will require firmware and software loaded into it from my understanding...
The second part would be to program the Pi to boot from USB rather than it booting from the SD card which I think would be a lot better but I can't remember how to do it, at least then I could use a CF card to install the OS too.
The Acorn Electron also has a built in power supply board that provides a nice clean 5 volt DC output which is perfect to power the Pi... before I think about anything else I need to figure out a cheap and easy way of getting a board of some kind so that I can get the Acorns keyboard to work with USB.
The second part would be to program the Pi to boot from USB rather than it booting from the SD card which I think would be a lot better but I can't remember how to do it, at least then I could use a CF card to install the OS too.
The Acorn Electron also has a built in power supply board that provides a nice clean 5 volt DC output which is perfect to power the Pi... before I think about anything else I need to figure out a cheap and easy way of getting a board of some kind so that I can get the Acorns keyboard to work with USB.