Acoustic Energy Aego

20 Oct 2002
I am leaning towards the "Acoustic Energy Aego 2" 2.1 setup for my computer. I will primarily be using them for music, followed by gaming. From the reviews and opinions on the web it looks top notch for just £100. Anyone else care to add their opinions?

However I also here talk of the sequel to the Aego 2, apparently called something like Aego Music? Could anyone enlighten me on the differences between the old and the new, and at what price?

EDIT: I think I found the new Aego 2 replacements online at a certain shop - they seem to say "Due for release on 21/11/2005" for £99.99. They have the "Acoustic Energy Aego Music System" which appears to be the white/silver ones and "Acoustic Energy Aego 2 Music System" which appear to be the black ones.. does this sound like them?

Thanks once again
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