
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Rather than take the Ukraine thread off topic I thought I'd start a separate thread on funny acronyms.

I'll throw in another, although it's not really an acronym. While I was working at a bank in the 2000's they introduced a new intranet, meant to help with the transformation of the company and exchange of ideas. Some bright spark had the great idea to start the web page addresses with... https://transexchange.

So... any funny acronyms you have come across?
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Cool story bro, thanks for pointless thread
As pointed out in my opening sentence, it was created to stop another thread going off topic as we started talking about acronyms etc there. So not pointless. Even if this thread dies a horrible death the point was to keep the other thread on topic and move discussion here.

Thanks for your top contribution though. Good job.
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