Acrylic Bending Machine

7 Oct 2015
Not sure if i'm allow to post this but since OCUK don't provide custom services like this, i guess it's ok.

Does anyone have one of these as i need to bend some perspex sheets?

I have been thinking of purchasing one of these if no-one has one but since it comes from Aliexpress.. i'm a bit sceptical... not so much in how it works but more so where it comes from.. and whether i would be confronted with a customs/import charge.
What's max value before you start getting import charges? isn't it something like £135.. or is this EU only?

Not really urgent so can wait... it's the most i've paid for shipping, but have probably spent almost £1k in total within the last 2 months buying random crap from there and not have any fee to pay once delivered.. (given all items were under £20 max per item)
Guess time will tell.. will order it next week and see what happens next.

Shame i have to buy one.. only plan on using it once or twice, then will probably flog it
That's said... It's a strip heater. You can get them here, schools might even be chucking them out. You could also buy a £20 laminator from Argos or Staples and make your own.

i was thinking of making my own but only works out cheaper by about £20 give or take.. the bulk of the cost would be the power supply needed but the individual components are cheap as chips.

I've had a look for strip heats/acrylic benders here, but they are all £100+.. Need one which can bend up to 50cm big, not the diddy ones
after a lot of umming and ahhh'ing and given covid... i decided to give myself a small hobby and make one myself.. just need to look for a cheap dc power supply
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