Active 3d glasses

13 Jun 2004
Just getting a Samsung 3d TV but doesn't come with glasses, any recommendations, I wear glasses already so something that will be comfortable and fit around them.
it should come with them

Should, but won't. Friend of mine recently bought a Sony 65" 4K 3D TV that didn't come with any glasses.

Check the link Putty posted, but also check the spec of the TV. Some are IR and some are Bluetooth for 3D glasses, and TVs won't work with the wrong glasses.
The Samsung TVs usually come with them however yep there are some models that don't. I got 2 pairs with mine (H6400).
WOW! I am surprised by this. My Sony I bough last year came with a pair and all of the ones I have seen in Costco recently do. Fair enough with passive ones as they can be had for a couple of quid but branded active glasses can cost £50 a pair!
Yeah, it does seem to be a bit stingy of Samsung (and others) to do this - in some cases I would imagine it could be a decider in whether or not someone buys one of their 3D TVs (not for me mind you but there will be others).
I think it comes down to the fact that most people these days do not go out of their way to buy a TV with 3D. If it has the option, then that is a bonus.

Because of this, it is better for them to sell without glasses, as they can then reduce the TV price by £50-100 making it more inviting.

Also, if you are selling a big TV for a family living room, how many people are going to be watching it at any one time? If they give away 1 pair of glasses for a family of 4, it will annoy people more than not getting any.
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