Ad Astra (2019)

Brad Pitt falls from an exploding space station into Earth's upper atmosphere and isn't dead - I'M OUT! :mad:
Brad Pitt falls from an exploding space station into Earth's upper atmosphere and isn't dead - I'M OUT! :mad:

Doesn't look like a space station to me. Looks more like they're working on building a space elevator, and the section they're working on appears to be still in Earth's atmosphere. Plus Pitt's character quite obviously has a parachute strapped to his back. Suit is orange, parachute is black.
Doesn't look like a space station to me. Looks more like they're working on building a space elevator, and the section they're working on appears to be still in Earth's atmosphere. Plus Pitt's character quite obviously has a parachute strapped to his back. Suit is orange, parachute is black.

Watched it again and you're right, it's an elevator within the upper atmosphere and not a space station, so it's effectively it's just a survivable Baumgartner style jump rather than someone surviving re-entry which is what I first thought.
Yeah it just appeared out of the blue for me too.
Will deffo. see it but apparently it has a terrible, plot hole or something that really wrecks the overall feel of the film.. ;/
I saw it last night.

It drags in parts. Looks great and sounds great. There isn't much of a story going on, it's not very engaging.

Is it worth your time and the ticket price? I'm not sure. If you like 2001, BR2049 (for visual side), Solaris then go for it. If you like The Martian, Gravity, Event Horizon then stay away. If you just like space sci-fi regardless then there are worse and better ones than this.

That's all I'll put for now until people have seen it.
It’s okay...slow, long scenes and lots of close up of Pitt’s face.

A lot of the events in the journey even when I’m watching it felt tacked on, they are irrelevant in terms of story except to give it excitement and show us what a competent and calm pro Pitt’a character is, together with the constant psychological tests.

Looks great on the big screen though, I do think it’s worth watching it for that as it won’t be the same at home.
Great let us know what you think.

So it was...ok. It's not a great spectacle - by which I mean there aren't a great number of shots that you be happy to stare out for ages (though some nice Earth stuff), the plot is fairly meandering rather than frenetic and a lot of the film is watching Pitt pull sadface.gif

And yet there is something about it; there's a brutalist architectural approach here - this isn't nice, shiny, glossy space, this is functional and gritty. There's some social commentary in there, both from Pitt's narration and the set design and there's an overall message that you can choose to take either way - but this isn't a great thinker of a film either. I think the film is missold completely by the trailer and people should know that this is not an action film in any way.

But yeah, it was ok. If you get cheap cinema tickets and have a couple of hours to kill it isn't the worst thing in the world.
I think it's biggest failing is that it doesn't break any new grounds, there isn't anything here that isn't in Interstellar, 2001, Gravity, Event Horizon or Solaris.
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