Adam Johnson

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29 Sep 2010

Apparently he met this girl in a nightclub.

If she has lied about her age to get into a club then as far as I would take it on a jury is that in all probabililty she lied to him as well. If she is not actually the one pressing charges and has admitted lying the case should be dropped.

If he knew she was underage and still did the deed, throw the book at him.

Didn't a similar thing happen to Graham Rix years ago, fairly sure he went to prison for a short period of time.

Yeah but he was with his best mates daughter and knew exactly how old she was and it went on for quite a while.

It seems Johnson pulled in night club. If she lied to get in there, the case should be dropped. If he knew the score then he deserves to get banged up for a long time.
The onus isn't on the nightclub to stop him having sex with girls underage, even if that's where they met. The court take into account of her age, and because she is under 16, a minor, she can't consent to herself to have sex with him, even willingly. It's just statutory rape.

If he did do it, it's pretty open and shut case and his career is over.

And that is where the law is an absolute ass.
Not looking good. If he met her in a club it would give a reasonable doubt but until the facts come out this looks like he could be in serious bother. If guilty I hope they throw the book at him.
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