Adam Sandler

6 Nov 2005
I know he's pushed out some tripe recently, but his new film "Click" looks very good, on par with Happy Gilmore i'm not sure.

Basically he gets a "magic" remote control from Christopher Walken (who I think is a brilliant actor) and the fun ensues....

Now that i've said that it'll probably bomb and be a right flop.
everything after the waterboy (bar anger management) has been pretty damn poor imho, I think he is unfortuately one of those actors that made the best film he ever will right at the start of his career in Happy Gilmore.

I dont think anything he does now will quite match up to that.
i love all his films :)

I agree Billy Madison is the best, but Waterboy, Happy Gilmore and especially Big Daddy are great.

I even took more of a shine to Mr Deeds recently.
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I actually thought he was growing up properly in the last productions: Anger Management, Spanglish and The Longest Yard had less trippy humour and more of a plot and Sandler did surprisingly good in all of them.
Click is just too shagged as a script though. Movie is slightly on the messy side.
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