Adblock - Is there a good way to ask users not to use it?

15 Nov 2003
I'll swear sometime ago I saw a dedicated site/app which gave you code you could embed in your HTML pages that would handle all the detection and delivery of a polite request the user does not use an adblocker.

Looking now, I can't see to find anything other that do it yourself coding tricks to detect and react to adblockers?
A quick Google suggests the best way is to check the height / visibility of your ad wrapped and do something accordingly:

I like one of the suggestions further down:

- Create a file: ads.js
- Add the following to the file: var canRunAds = true;
- Include the ads.js file: <script src="/js/ads.js"></script>
- Check if canRunAds is defined and true on your main page:

if( window.canRunAds === undefined ) {
  // Show message, image, etc

This relies on the adblockers detecting "ads.js" as a possible advert by its name, but I'd assume most, if not all, should.
That's the exact approach I'm taking, and it does appear to work. Although if you try it on LOCALHOST it doesn't. You need to run it out on a proper domain.

But I'm certain when I was looking at this last year there was a site where you could create an account, get some simple code, and plug that into your site and they'd handle everything (a nice warning) for you.
Haha yes it can be a pain in the arse but I earn well now just have to be bloody careful.

May I ask who you're using now? Just wonder if someone found a better network.
Haha yes it can be a pain in the arse but I earn well now just have to be bloody careful.

May I ask who you're using now? Just wonder if someone found a better network.

I'm primarily with Gorilla Nation, obviously a bit of a niche advertiser. But their payout has dropped a lot in the past 12 months since they were taken over.

I've also used SwitchAds (good rate eg: over 20p per 1000 impressions, but lowish fill rate) and Qadabra as a general fallback for a guaranteed fulfillment.
I've set up pagefair now to get an idea of how many impressions I'm losing to ad blockers! ie: Do I need to worry about it.

Brilliant thank you ill have to try them out.

SwitchAds seems very slick but they will not fulfill all your impressions, so you need a default for them to fall back to in such cases. In my case Qadabra! At the moment SwitchAds fill about 25-35% of the impressions at typically 25-35p per thousand.
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After I got banned from adsense for the script(got reinstated) I set up a script to count Adblock users found out they counted for almost 15% of my traffic which equates to about £100 a month :(

I can understand Adblock for ads like pop over/under and those auto play video ads but I just can't see the issue with banner ads myself.

I need something to fill inbetween my partner ads. So ill give switch ads a shot.
After I got banned from adsense for the script(got reinstated) I set up a script to count Adblock users found out they counted for almost 15% of my traffic which equates to about £100 a month :(

I can understand Adblock for ads like pop over/under and those auto play video ads but I just can't see the issue with banner ads myself.

I need something to fill inbetween my partner ads. So ill give switch ads a shot.

Well, fairpage seem to offer a system of offering ads even to adblockers? I've no experience of that though...

If you give SwitchAds a go you will need a default to fall through to. As I said they have a low fill rate. Qadabra seem reliable, but generally have a low rate. That said, I've had (rare) days where out of the blue the rate is well over $1 per thousand!
From what I can remember eyeo allows ad companies to pay a fee and as long as they comply by some guidelines Adblock won't touch their ads.

Bit of a cop out but they claim it works.
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