Add to favourites

24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
Is there a generic "add to favourites" script that works on ALL browsers?

The only ones I've found work on IE and Opera on firefox they add to sidebar and on safari do nothing!
It's a messy thing to do, and there is no one solution for all browsers. Just tell the user to bookmark the page manually; using ctrl+d is, AFAIK, a universal shortcut.
why bother at all? if your site is of any interest to them, people will bookmark it. people aren't idiots (hehe can't believe i said that :o)
function addBookmark(title,url) {
if (window.sidebar) { 
window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,""); 
} else if( document.all ) {
window.external.AddFavorite( url, title);
} else if( window.opera && window.print ) {
return true;

<a href="#" onmousedown="addBookmark('My Site','')" onmouseover="return overlib('Bookmark us.')" onmouseout="return  overlib('',DELAY, 1000);">Bookmark Us</a>

Turned up from a Google search. Haven't tested it, but give it a go ;)
GeForce said:
function addBookmark(title,url) {
if (window.sidebar) { 
window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,""); 
} else if( document.all ) {
window.external.AddFavorite( url, title);
} else if( window.opera && window.print ) {
return true;

<a href="#" onmousedown="addBookmark('My Site','')" onmouseover="return overlib('Bookmark us.')" onmouseout="return  overlib('',DELAY, 1000);">Bookmark Us</a>

Turned up from a Google search. Haven't tested it, but give it a go ;)
Without testing it (which I will do) I think that'll sidebar not favourite things and won't work in Safari (nothing does!)
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