Adding a Sub Woofer to a 2.0 setup, is it possible?

2 Sep 2022
Have fairly good stereo 2.0 desktop speaker set up (Creative Gigaworks Series II T40) but perhaps could do with a bit more thump, pretty sure I once bought a dedicated subwoofer years and years ago and added to a stereo desk top speaker set up?

Looking at the speakers for sale here you either buy 2.0, 2.1 or 5.1 ETC. I don't see single Subwoofers for sale?

Is this practical these days to tack on a Subwoofer to a desktop 2.0 existing set up? Soundcard is an Asus Xonar Essence STX.

Yes you can add a subwoofer to get standard stereo speakers.

Your soundcard has a subwoofer output?

Budget? They start from about £150 to about £50,000

If personally upgrade the "fairly good" giga works whilst you're at it

Ouch, wish I'd never asked now, not sure if my soundcard has a discrete Sub Woofer port now, pretty sure it does not and did mention it.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow, thanks for patience and lack off.

You have no need to be so blunt with me sir, yes I am new to forums but quite elderly too and just asked for friendly advice.

PS: Do apologise if I've over reacted to this guy, new to forums here myself, but can detect deep sarcasm and his quip of £150 to about £50,000 that is not helpful.
His suggestion is to upgrade my "fairly good" giga works whilst I'm at it too?
63 now and do suffer from Tinnitus and other associated and other elderly hearing problems.
Old as I am I can still appreciate some bass in certain games.
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