This is the FAHLog:
# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 6.30r1
Launch directory: C:\Users\Scott\Downloads\Folding@Home\FAH_GPU_Tracker_V2\FAH GPU Tracker V2\GPU1
Executable: C:\Users\Scott\Downloads\Folding@Home\FAH_GPU_Tracker_V2\FAH GPU Tracker V2\FAH_GPU3.exe
Arguments: -oneunit -forcegpu nvidia_g80 -advmethods -gpu 1
[16:23:42] - Ask before connecting: No
[16:23:42] - User name: Demonstag (Team 10)
[16:23:42] - User ID: 1569F1A37488D338
[16:23:42] - Machine ID: 4
[16:23:42] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[16:23:42] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:23:42] + Processing work unit
[16:23:42] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[16:23:42] Core found.
[16:23:42] Working on queue slot 01 [December 30 16:23:42 UTC]
[16:23:42] + Working ...
[16:23:42] *------------------------------*
[16:23:42] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta
[16:23:42] Version 1.24 (Mon Feb 9 11:00:12 PST 2009)
[16:23:42] Compiler : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86
[16:23:42] Build host: amoeba
[16:23:42] Board Type: AMD
[16:23:42] Core :
[16:23:42] Preparing to commence simulation
[16:23:42] - Looking at optimizations...
[16:23:42] - Files status OK
[16:23:42] - Expanded 98616 -> 492188 (decompressed 499.0 percent)
[16:23:42] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=98616 data_size=492188, decompressed_data_size=492188 diff=0
[16:23:42] - Digital signature verified
[16:23:42] Project: 5733 (Run 2, Clone 583, Gen 1008)
[16:23:42] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[16:23:42] Entering M.D.
[16:23:48] Tpr hash work/wudata_01.tpr: 2200230785 4036776356 2706474524 515140084 2908846333
[16:23:52] CoreStatus = FFFFFFF6 (-10)
[16:23:52] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xfffffff6
[16:23:52] This is a sign of more serious problems, shutting down.