Adding an Nvidia 8400gs to system

18 Dec 2005
Contin, Highlands
Hi Guys,

I have a spare 8400GS card and tried to add it so that I could use it to fold, I installed 256.15 driver and everything is fine in win 7, I then tried to set it up through F@H Tracker. However I get the following message after 20seconds of enabling the card:

Folding @ Home has encountered a serious error running the core. and will shut down.

How do I get the card to work? :confused: I currently have an ATI HD 6950/70 running as primary and have had no issues
This is the FAHLog:

# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################

Folding@Home Client Version 6.30r1


Launch directory: C:\Users\Scott\Downloads\Folding@Home\FAH_GPU_Tracker_V2\FAH GPU Tracker V2\GPU1
Executable: C:\Users\Scott\Downloads\Folding@Home\FAH_GPU_Tracker_V2\FAH GPU Tracker V2\FAH_GPU3.exe
Arguments: -oneunit -forcegpu nvidia_g80 -advmethods -gpu 1

[16:23:42] - Ask before connecting: No
[16:23:42] - User name: Demonstag (Team 10)
[16:23:42] - User ID: 1569F1A37488D338
[16:23:42] - Machine ID: 4
[16:23:42] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[16:23:42] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:23:42] + Processing work unit
[16:23:42] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[16:23:42] Core found.
[16:23:42] Working on queue slot 01 [December 30 16:23:42 UTC]
[16:23:42] + Working ...
[16:23:42] *------------------------------*
[16:23:42] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta
[16:23:42] Version 1.24 (Mon Feb 9 11:00:12 PST 2009)
[16:23:42] Compiler : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86
[16:23:42] Build host: amoeba
[16:23:42] Board Type: AMD
[16:23:42] Core :
[16:23:42] Preparing to commence simulation
[16:23:42] - Looking at optimizations...
[16:23:42] - Files status OK
[16:23:42] - Expanded 98616 -> 492188 (decompressed 499.0 percent)
[16:23:42] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=98616 data_size=492188, decompressed_data_size=492188 diff=0
[16:23:42] - Digital signature verified
[16:23:42] Project: 5733 (Run 2, Clone 583, Gen 1008)
[16:23:42] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[16:23:42] Entering M.D.
[16:23:48] Tpr hash work/wudata_01.tpr: 2200230785 4036776356 2706474524 515140084 2908846333
[16:23:52] CoreStatus = FFFFFFF6 (-10)
[16:23:52] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xfffffff6
[16:23:52] This is a sign of more serious problems, shutting down.
It used to be necessary to add -gpu 0 or -gpu 1 flags to tell the client which GPU to use so try adding -gpu 1 to the config or shortcut of your 8400.

I used the auto detect option in the FAHTracker and it removed the details of the ATI card from GPU0 and tried to set the 8400 as GPU0 and states that it will use GPU 2 core and GPU 3 is not selected. However the ATI card was running as GPU0.

I am unsure what you what you mean by adding -gpu 1 to the shortcut as it is all done through the FAHTracker program!
Currently folding 5737 and ppd is showing as 4647.4 but my total ppd is only 18381 which I think is low, but as I am new to folding I am unsure what to do to get it any higher, my machine is on 24/7.
I am using i7-2700k @ 4.6ghz, Since your post I stopped the gpu folding and my PPD has increased to 26-28000 from 18k. Is this more like the type of points I should be getting with this cpu?
It seems to be improving as today it is reporting PPD as 31045.9. how do I know if I am getting -big WU ? I have stopped all GPU folding. I would just like to say cheers for all the help given, greatly appreciated.

On a different note I have a spare Phenom X3 that I was looking to run as a folding machine aswell as my current rig, what would I expect to achieve if I set up the rig(24/7)?
It appears that I have not had any big-bigadv Work Units, but I have all the flags set? Is there anything I need to do other than select -advmethods & -bigadv?
This is a copy of my client config file:


Is this correct? Sorry for the continual questions, I am just trying to get my head around this.

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