Adding Bluetooth

I'm using an Aukey portable Bluetooth device. Runs off micro-usb and outputs via 2.5mm to either 2.5mm or phono (included).

Works a treat in my car
I've just bought a

"JUSTOP BTR006 Bluetooth Wireless Stereo Audio Receiver With 3.5MM Jack, Universal Adapter For Speakers, New Module with Bluetooth V2.1 A2DP profile"

From Amazon for hooking up to my HiFi reviews seem good and it's a sensible price.
Used a Crystal Acoustics BluDAC Bluetooth Receiver for a couple of years which worked well and sound quality was pretty good but last week got a Rasberry Pi 2 running Volumio which i have plugged into my amp and it's blows using a Bluetooth Receiver out of the water
do they work on mini or midi hifi systems? all I wanna do is play music from my phone through the hifi via usb Bluetooth dongle

it has no headphone jack either
Mines connected to a Yamaha A-S500 and a set of JPW Sonata Speakers

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