Adding SSL to website

13 Jan 2009
Hi all my missus wants to add SSL to her website as it was hacked via WordPress blog last week and redirected to a dodgy pharmaceutical site. After getting it fixed and removing WordPress blog function the web developer advised it needs SSL and so far he has sunk 10 hours in and achieved nothing that we can see with it no further forward

We have now been given the below options by him:

1 > Upgrade the hosting to have CPanel installed, but with doing that, The connection strings to the database will change, this will cause the website to fail when submitting quotes.

2 > Transfer the website + Databases to his other hosting account, but in doing so, he will need to work through the complete website updating all PHP code and database connection strings.

Can anyone comment on the plausability of the above? How difficult would adding SSL to the website be?

Can anyone also recommend a good reliable web development company that offer content management and don't look at any changes that need doing on a website as an excuse to rack up as many hours as possible?

Thanks for any help!
Last edited:
13 Jan 2009
Thanks again to all for your comments and advise, can anyone suggest a good trusted website for hiring freelance web developers? A google search throws up a few websites but would rather trust the advise of the helpful peeps here :)
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