In the open console window press Ctrl + C to quit the client. When the window has closed go to the folder you installed Folding@Home.
In the folder you should see a .exe called something along the lines of FAH_Console.exe. Right click on the file and click Create Shortcut.
Right-click on the shortcut and select properties. In the Target window you should see a path enclosed in quote marks ie "path/to/file"
AFTER the last " mark make a space then type
-configonly. Click ok. Now double click on the shortcut. A new command window will open asking you for the configuration details, go through each answer [just press enter and your original setting will be used]. When you reach "Do you want FAH to load at boot installing as a sevice?" [or something like that] answer
Go through the rest of the config and the window will automatically close. Reboot your computer, login then check in Task Manager under process to see if F@H has loaded. 100% cpu usage is usually a good indication too
EDIT: Gah too slow, still, the picture is very purdy